We are found a few scientific facts that seem too crazy. Here we go…

One of the most slippery substances in the world is the lubricant in your knees. It's called synovial fluid and it has a similar consistency to egg whites. This substance does a great job at reducing the friction in your knees letting you get around nice and smooth. You feel that right?

Assuming we could dispose of the unfilled space and molecules, all of mankind, each of the 7 billion of us would squeeze into an apple. What's more to realize it wouldn't be a difficult situation all things considered. That is on the grounds that molecules are really 99.9% void space. To assist you with envisioning this assuming a core was the size of a volleyball, the closest electrons would be as distant as a large portion of a mile. This means the world and everybody is truth be told just vacancy. Furthermore, without this vacancy, an individual would be much more modest than the littlest grain of salt.

Assuming that you could taste the universe, it would possess a flavor like a raspberry space experts made this dazzling revelation while exploring an enormous residue cloud in the Milky Way. That is the place where they found the synthetic compound ethyl formate, which is in overflow across the whole universe. It's likewise the very compound that gives a raspberry it's delectable taste.

Assuming that you could taste the universe, it would possess a flavor like a raspberry space experts made this dazzling revelation while exploring an enormous residue cloud in the Milky Way. That is the place where they found the synthetic compound ethyl formate, which is in overflow across the whole universe. It's likewise the very compound that gives a raspberry it's delectable taste.

A squid’s brain looks like a bagel. And this is all because of the way its digestive system is set up. Theesophagus goes right through the doughnut hole of the brain taking food to the stomach.

The flea takes off starting from the earliest stage than a space transport. Its leaps are 3.14 inches per millisecond. This method for fleas' acceleration is multiple times quicker than that of a spaceship. Also, these little bugs can hop in excess of multiple times their stature. Along these lines, assuming that a person could bounce like an escape, they would have the option to get around the Empire State Building.

The flea takes off starting from the earliest stage than a space transport. Its leaps are 3.14 inches per millisecond. This method for fleas' acceleration is multiple times quicker than that of a spaceship. Also, these little bugs can hop in excess of multiple times their stature. Along these lines, assuming that a person could bounce like an escape, they would have the option to get around the Empire State Building.

The flea takes off starting from the earliest stage than a space transport. Its leaps are 3.14 inches per millisecond. This method for fleas' acceleration is multiple times quicker than that of a spaceship. Also, these little bugs can hop in excess of multiple times their stature. Along these lines, assuming that a person could bounce like an escape, they would have the option to get around the Empire State Building.

According to researchers from Oxford University, Archer fish can recognize people's faces actually they do this with over 80% accuracy. That would definitely make high school reunions a lot easier.

You might have heard that a person is usually a bit taller in the morning than they are in the evening. As for the height of the Eiffel Tower, it changes depending on the weather. In the summer he taking get 5.9 inches taller. This is because metal expands when it's hot. The tower also leans a couple of inches away from the sun, maybe it's worried about sunburns.

Part of the static noise you hear on an empty Channel is a trace of the Big Bang. The Big Bang was an explosion of light that started expanding in all directions. The noise on your TV is a part of that explosion. So even now we can still hear traces of the birth of our universe.

The cave fish can walk and climb thanks to its tetrapod like pelvis. It uses its flippers like four-legged land animals use their limbs. So, if you visit Thailand and you see something pink Eilis with huge fins that look more like wings, and it's climbing up some rocks. By using special equipment, they found out that this famous beauty actually used to have eyebrows and eyelashes. They simply disappeared over time so we can no longer see them. Or it could have happened because of a blunder by art restores that cleaned the painting and accidentally removed Mona Lisa's eyelashes and eyebrows.

The coldest place in the universe isn't on the moon where temperatures can plunge down to minus 378 degrees Fahrenheit. It's not in outer space either, where you can find unbelievable temperatures of 455 degrees below. The coldest temperature ever recorded is right here on Earth. Granted, it was in a lab where scientists in Finland managed to freeze atoms using a laser. This allowed them to reach a temperature insanely close to absolute zero, which is minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. It's hard to even fathom how cold that is right? Well, maybe this will help you out. It's at this temperature that atoms stop moving because they get too cold.

Male chimpanzees have best friends because it helps decrease their stress level during conflicts. Scientists learn that fights are less dramatic if a chimpanzee fights alongside a buddy. Another benefit of this human like camaraderie is a longer life and even higher reproductive success to the brain needs as much energy as a 10w light bulb, and it doesn't matter if you're asleep or awake. What's more, your brain helps you stay fit. Assuming that the average metabolic rate during rest periods is 1300 calories your brain takes 260 of them. It burns 5.4 calories an hour. For comparison. 30 minutes of weightlifting burns 90 calories playing pool consumes 75 and standing in line takes 38.

A study involving nearly 300 women has proven that frequent consumption of coffee leads to a decrease in breast size. Three cups of coffee a day can cause breast to become smaller, especially if they were big to begin with. This is because caffeine burns fat. And as you probably know, breasts mostly consist of adipose tissue.


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